Monday, November 14, 2011

Mama Grey Update

Hello everyone,

CC here. I hi-jacked Erin's blog and wanted to fill everyone in on Erin's progress.

We ended up getting pushed back to 7:00 this morning, which means we showed up at 7:30. They got her all hooked up by 8:30 and started the inducing at about 9:30 or so. Beings we were hoping for a natural child birth she doesn't have an epidural, yet. Seems like a whole hell of a lot of pain to me, I don't know how she is dealing with it so well.

She has been having contractions for a while now, and we (by we I mean her) may have to break down and get her juiced up. Whatever it takes to make sure she is o.k is good by me.

Other than the obvious pain and the fact that I can't figure out the mechanics behind this birth thing (the sizes of objects involved doesn't work mathematically; i.e baby, uterus, hoo-hoo, etc.) Erin is being a real trooper.

Please join me in praying for an easy birth, and that mama and baby will be safe and healthy.

Like always, Love and Hugs- scared and excited.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you CC for highjacking the blog! Keep the updates coming and get Baby Grey here! Can't wait to meet her!
