Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Here I sit at 34 weeks pregnant. Oddly enough time is going so fast! I only have 6 weeks left! Can you believe it? 6 WEEKS!!! There are times in a week that I panic--I only have 40 something days left to get ready, and then there are days that it seems like it is a million years away, and then there are days where I cannot wait to meet Baby Grey.

Last week, at the doctor appointment she threatened me with bed rest, if I do not slow down, I am going on bed rest.  AHHHHH. Does she realize that it doesn't work for my schedule? If you saw everything I have to do in the next 4 weeks--a regular, non-pregnant person would be tired. What would I do if I was stuck on bed rest? I try to take it easy but I am not sure that is in my vocabulary.

Loves and hugs--Still need more time to take pictures and post them for everyone!

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