Sunday, January 30, 2011

Wild Night

Ever been to Wing Nutz?  Last night, we went out for wings (after dark--shocking).  CC got food poisoning.  He was up all night, poor fellow.

Loves and hugs--We have been up sick all night before but not for the same reason.  Chalk it up to being 30-something.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

2 Days

Only two days until the 'LOVE' posts start.

Stay tuned...

Loves and hugs--Post your favorite 'love' quote!

Nine to Five

Ever wonder why the work day changed from 9-5 to 8-5? I have. In fact, I want 9-5 with a paid lunch break--back!   I looked up why the movement has changed to a 8 hour work day (that's why we celebrate Labor Day, thank you for that!) but when did corporate America decide they needed to take away our paid lunch break?  

Loves and hugs--Sometimes I wish I could start a movement.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Blogging Wins!

A portion of the dermatologist story...I have been taking hormone supplements for a while and my skin is reacting to them pretty quickly.  For example, on our cruise I came back with a doozy of a 'sun spot' on my face.  I went to the dermatologist and he said it's normal and when my hormone levels go back down it should go away.  

Of course...I am not happy with that went guessed it...Old Lady Cream, Pearl to be exact.  I will let you know how it goes in a couple of months.

Loves and hugs--getting old and being 30-something is a challenge.


Monday, January 24, 2011


A few of you know what J-TOD means.  For the last two years or so CC and I have experienced an extreme case of J (insert name)'s. Tour. Of. Destruction.  There are four/five people with the letter J and one with the letter T that have wreaked havoc on our life(p.s. if you are reading this--it's not you!)

Last night, I was getting ready for church and I started to think (which by the way is means I finally starting to find balance) that people (managers) use magic to distract from reality.  Like when a magician flashes a light or shines something to do the ol' switch-a-roo. 

Loves and hugs--Something to think about next time someone tries to pull the wool over your eyes.  

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Register to get your name off junk-mail lists.  BECAUSE: Printing junk-mail wastes 100 million trees a year.  Canceling can reduce your intake by 35 pounds a year.   Sites you can register: or

Loves and hugs--if you like looking at junk-mail--please recycle!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


My friend told me about the Tom Cat app on my droid....CC loves it...especially when you grab his tail..."No!"

Loves and hugs--There's an app for that!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

To Blog or Not to Blog?

That is the question????
How honest should you be on a blog? Do you really put everything out there for everyone to know? Or, do you keep it private and talk about superficial things?

I had an appointment with the Dermatologist today (which, by the way he is a hunk!) and something kind-a weird/amusing is going on with my skin. Do I really tell everyone the history behind it...or is this something private that is just for me?

Loves and hugs--The things that make you go hmmm.

Monday, January 17, 2011

The Love Box

Valentines Day is less than a month away!  Are you ready?  Our tradition for Valentines is the 'Love Box'.  What is the 'Love Box' you ask? Every day from the 1st-14th of February, CC receives a gift from Cupid. 

In an earlier post, I mentioned the 5 Languages of love and mine is Gifts.  The fun part about this language is giving gifts!  I look forward to buying these gifts as much as he enjoys receiving them.  

Loves and hugs--What are you doing for V-Day?  Stay tuned for daily LOVE quotes during the month of February.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Wear organic cotton clothes. BECAUSE: Organic cotton's low-impact production methods-which employ fewer pesticides-generate less than a fifth as much greenhouse gas as standard cotton.

Loves and hugs--Looks like we need to go shopping!

Saturday, January 15, 2011


CC is a COMIC Book fan (or FREAK)!  Today, I took him to Green Hornet, not realizing we had the option of 3-D or regular.  Well, as it turns out we only had the 3-D option.
(Paris, March 2010--Yes, that is a comic shirt and book!)

There are many things in this world I do not understand--but why would I spend THOUSANDS of dollars on Lasik to have to watch a movie in glasses?

Loves and hugs--Now they have 3-D televisions for your house...LAME.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

14 Years!

January 11--CC and celebrated our first date--14 years ago!

Loves and hugs--where has the time gone?

Monday, January 10, 2011

Free Money?

See a penny, pick it up, all day long you'll have good luck!

A while ago, I read a book about a lady picking up a penny and it changed the events of her life.  Since that day, I always pick up a penny, but not today....In the restroom at work, next to the toilet sat a shiny copper penny, I thought there is NO WAY I am picking that up.  

As I left the restroom, I said out-loud, "Do you realize how many pennies have been next to a toilet.  Perhaps you should reconsider touching money in general.  Note to self: ALWAYS wash your money...or at least hand sanitize. Blah!"  

Loves and Hugs--Is money really free with all those germy germs?  Icky.  

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Green Tip

Leave a bar of soap by the sink: BECAUSE: Most liquid soap comes in nonrenewable plastic packaging.  Substituting one bottle with a bar in each home would keep 2.5 million pounds of plastic out of landfills.

We refill our soap containers. You could also purchase soap with a recyclable container--just make sure you recycle it!

Loves and hugs--To each, their own, right?

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Four days in to the commute--we still like each other! Saturday, I will finally get some 'alone' time! I am looking forward to it---CC is going to spend the day in the shop working on our TRUCK. The goal is to have it on the road this spring.

Suppose my afternoon off I shall visit the Semi-Annual Sale at Victoria Secrets.

Loves and Hugs--Twice a year I go shopping at VS!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I love this man!

Loves and hugs...I think you love him too!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Bright Idea

Green Tip

Use soft-white compact fluorescent lightbulbs, not traditional incandescents.  BECAUSE: if every American household replaced one standard bulb with CFL, we could save enough energy to power 3 MILLION homes a YEAR!

Loves and hugs--all my bulbs are replaced--are you up for the challenge?

(P.S...CC's work went through and replaced ALL their homes with CFLs!  It was a proud wifey moment!)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Eco posts are back!

Wondering what happened to the green tips?  How have you been doing on implementing them?  Pretty good here! We have even started recycling at our house!  (Recycling at home was really difficult for me...not really sure why..we have a blue garbage can for this very reason.)

(Harvest 2009)
My post the other day inspired Green Tip #10

Eat meat-free once a week.  BECAUSE: Producing a pound of beef consumes 145 more fossil fuels than a pound of potatoes.

Loves and Hugs--Being a 'select-a-tarian' has done me well, you should try it too!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Welcome 2011! As were were snuggled in our bed waiting for the new year I couldn't help but think what this year has in store for us.  It is the same as the last four years, a balanced life.  

This year we have many things on our 'to do list':
1. Go to California.
2. Celebrate 11 years of marriage!
3. Go to Omaha for a wedding.
4. Go to Arkansas to find our retirement spot. (Yes, I just said Arkansas.)
5. Go back East, you know for what! :)
6. And...make a difference...somehow. 

Loves and hugs--Today, is the first day of balance!