Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Busy Busy Busy

One of my favorite people on Earth posted an article she read about people always talking about how busy they are…well, it is annoying…and then I looked in the mirror and said, you are annoying! Because I AM GUILITY …so guilty.  (here you go if you want the full guilt trip-http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/06/30/the-busy-trap/?smid=tw-s) 

Then, there is another one of my favorite people on Earth, she is the Emergency Service Director at the Red Cross (this nonprofit has a very special place in my heart), that has been basically working 24/7 because Utah is on fire, literally, on fire. I would bet that if you asked her “how she is,” she never once would say she was ‘busy’. 

This article really put a few things in perspective for me. Yes, we are all busy but what are we trying to get? Sympathy? Respect? Honor? Just be aware of how off putting a simple statement could be.  I do.

My blogging has been few and far between so you get the benefit of two posts in one!

I had a realization the other day. I am stagnate, complacent, just plain surviving. I NEED AN ‘EAT LOVE PRAY Moment’ to change my life. I am not sure what it will be but I am figuring it out! I have a friend that has done something I could never do in a million years…she sold her car. She is using only bikes and public transportation to get everywhere. She has only been doing for a couple of weeks and she blogs about it…That to me is an “Eat Love Pray Moment”  it has to be something BIG,  a little scary and something that challenges you to the core.

I hope I can figure out my moment. December…is when things will change...I hope…and I can have time to figure out my moment.

Loves and hugs—have you ever thought about your “Eat Love Pray Moment?”

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