I swear this was the weekend for the drive-in! On facebook a
friend in South Salt Lake and one in California were at the drive-in on
Saturday night. I suppose all the cool people got the memo, LOL!
CC suggested we go so we did. I still have hours, and hours,
and hours to finish before December 15th but I also have a family
with needs. I decided if we went to the drive-in I could sleep in and volunteer after. Well, let’s just say, I slept in, and then I never
even put pants on. We all (including B)
lounged around the house ALL day! We call Brek a party girl when she doesn’t
get ready for the day.
The latest things she has been doing…
*She was having separation issues for a few weeks but it
seems to be over now! Hooray!
*She ‘army’ crawls all over the house!
*She says ba-by and waves-Adorable!
*She is officially a chatter box (has been for sometime)
*Still in 3-6 and 6-9 month clothes.
*She has BLONDE hair so she appears bald.
*Breast feeding is starting to come to an end. I have
accepted it (a little). I still try but we did start supplementing one meal a
day. I use to pump 15-20 oz a day, now we are lucky if I come home with 5 oz in
a day. Plus, we have started the wrestling match that is ever so present at
this age. Sometimes I just want to give up—but I don’t! My work schedule is
starting to pick up and I will have to visit schools at 7 AM in SLC so that
means I won’t have as much time in the AM to nurse or pump. What to do…I
suppose she is almost 10 months and it would be ok if I stopped but I am going
to keep trying until there is no hope.
I finish school in 16 weeks! (Hopefully, FOREVER!!!!) We are
surviving my schedule but let’s see how the next 16 weeks go. I am very excited
about what 2013 will bring for our family. Wishing time away is not healthy and
I know it but I need to survive this year so I can start on my Year of
Reconnection! I am hopeful that 2013 will allow us time to reconnect as husband
and wife, mother and father, mother and daughter, plus our families, friends, health,
and traveling!
Loves and hugs-Here’s to surviving one more semester!