On Monday one of my friends posted this on Facebook:
Let's see how many people can do this. Every day this month until Thanksgiving, think of one thing that you are thankful for and post it as your status. "Today I am thankful for..." The longer you do it, the harder it gets! Now if you think you can do it then repost this message as your status to invite others to take the challenge, then post what YOU are thankful for today.” For those of you who do not have facebook I have followed through…and to be honest it is not very hard to find something to be thankful for…here is what I have written this week with a little more description:
Monday, November 9:
Thankful for the price He paid for me! Several years ago I decided I needed to figure out what I truly believed. In the end it turned out I always believed that Jesus died for the sins of the world and that includes me! He is my strong tower! Thank you Lord.
Tuesday, November 10:
Not just today...but EVERYDAY, I am thankful that I have the perfect partner, Cory! God had a plan from the moment we met. Love you, CC!
Thankful for manicures and pedicures! That makes for a happy Tuesday!
Thankful Tiffany attends Tuesday night bible study with me...she holds me accountable! I was extremely thankful Tuesday. Of course the second most important thing to me after the Lord is Cory! I could not become the woman I am today without him in my life. Also, I got a mani/pedi that day and who wouldn’t be thankful?
Wednesday, November 11:
Thankful for all of my wonderful friends and family. The lessons you have taught me and keep teaching me. (Plus, a little shout out to FB for keeping us connected.) Moving to the third most important thing in my life, family and friends! In my life (as all of us have experienced) there are different seasons when people enter our lives. On occasion we find a friend that is to be part of our life longer than a season. And for those of you that fall into any category, I am truly blessed to know you!
Also, this is my older sister’s birthday….Happy Birthday Christa, a.k.a. Dida. Every year we have the opportunity to celebrate another year with our loved ones.
Thursday, November 12:
Thankful I have a job that changes people's lives and that I enjoy my work. Some of you may not know that I work for a University and I recruit students for a living. Since I did my education a little backwards it has become a passion to teach others the important aspects of fulfilling this goal.
Friday, November 13:
Thankful that Chica didn't eat the Ibuprofen I dropped last night. I was freaking out because I couldn't find it right away. But I found it and all was well. Phew... Thursday, I had to work in Provo at 9:00 AM so I left really early in the morning. That evening I had to drive from Provo to Logan to work from 6:00 PM-9:00 PM. On the way someone had to take care of Chica. I had a killer headache because of the long day of being ‘on’ and driving. I put Chica outside and took some medicine, well I dropped one on the floor and Chica came in the same moment. I was having a panic attack because I couldn’t find it and I was afraid she had eaten the pill. Fortunately, I was able to find it and not freak out before my next event. Praise the Lord!
Saturday, November 14:
Thankful that some emotions fade over time; anger, distrust, and sadness. Whilst other emotions intensify; love, happiness, respect, and trust. Often times in our life we are taught life lessons and it stirs up some emotions that we think we will feel for a lifetime. But in reality we are able to grow and learn from them and they dissipate. I am thankful for those opportunities and hope I am able to appreciate them. The emotions that intensify I am please I have had the opportunity to enjoy. For example my love for Cory has grown more every year, which also create a happy life!
Sunday, November 15:
Thankful for true friends. They are the type of people you do not to see/talk to daily. You can run into them and pick up the conversation like it never stopped! Thanks! This is a special shout of for a few friends that we ran into over the weekend. Cory and I went to the movies this weekend and we ran into Ben and Kellen. The boys haven’t seen each other in years and they started chatting like it was a few days ago. I was so pleased to witness this! Then after our movie we ran into a friend, Tom that I worked with many, many moons ago. We chatted like it was yesterday. Thanks friends! You all mean so much to us and we love you all!
Thanks for visiting and reading my thankful thoughts so far this month. I plan to find joy in EVERY day.