Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Love Language

Have you read the 5 Love Languages book by Dr. Gary Chapman? (The link is for the Love Language quiz.) About year four of our marriage CC and I (well, let's be honest, mostly me) read the book. We discovered that we were not speaking each other's love language. I would buy CC Happy Friday presents and he would in return give me a hug or kiss. In reality, all I wanted was a Happy Friday present and he would want a kiss. So...we switched...I know it sounds spoiled but... (yes, pretty much every week) I get a Happy Friday present! This week my "Happy Friday" present is a pedometer. The key to the love language of gifts is...there has to be thought in the present. He cannot just stop at the gas station and bring home something because he has forgot about me. (P.S. he has tried to pass this off a time or two.) It has to have thought about me in the process. So...here is the thought behind this week's gift. My work is doing a 10,000 step challenge, they sent us pedometers to track the increase of our steps...well....I might have been drinking...and it may have fell in the toilet. Needless to say, I have not been able to participate in the 10,000 step challenge since then. (I never shared this with anyone because I was embarrassed.) Now I am officially back in the game!

Loves and Hugs! Happy Friday's are my favorite day of the week! (And...sometimes I get my 'prize' on other days of the week...i.e. today is Tuesday!)

1 comment:

  1. Love that you guys took the time to figure out your love languages! What a fantastic thing! I swear I'm a mix of 3 of them...gifts, touch, words. Pretty easy to please... :)
