Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Since B has joined our family church has been, well let's say, irregular at best. I am half-way through my last semester (EVER, I hope) and my stress level is spinning out of control. At times like this I always feel I need to be closer to God. So, we go to church. Even with a cranky baby. Even when the nursery isn't open. We go.

This week I was only able to be part of worship and it got me thinking about God. God loves us. Adores us. No. Matter. What. Phew, that was close. Now that I am a mom, looking at the love that God has for us has changed. Not His love for us but my view. I have a baby girl that I LOVE, unconditionally. There are days that I want to burst because I adore her so much. Jesus, he feels that way about each one of us! Can you believe it? We are that lucky to have someone love us just like that?

Loves and hugs-Someday, we are going to be in His presenence and feel that love--live and in person! I cannot wait.



  1. It's funny that you mention this, because today I had a simular realization. It will be wonderful to be in His presenence again.

  2. I love this post. I completely know what you mean. I'm sure you will be blessed on your efforts of going to church even if sometimes we don't get to listen as much as we'd like with these little rug rats. =) But at least they provide entertainment during the less than steller speakers.
