Tuesday, June 14, 2011

What in the world?

Feeling a little upset about this world...people are laid off, people do not have to pay back money they owe, good people that would make great parents cannot get pregnant, but we move on like nothing happened.  And it seems, the people who should have things taken away from them are getting further and further ahead.

Recently, a few of my friends on blogs or FB have experienced horrible hardships and they are handling it better than I ever could! But there are jerks out there (former bosses) that are still thriving and moving forward, whilst we are trapped.

For what its worth friends, I am sorry. I know there is a higher power in control and we are all here for a reason. When we are handed lemons lets hold on to them until we are ready to make lemonade. It's okay if it takes a while to move on...but remember He is in control!

Loves and hugs--Feeling a little down for some of my peeps.

1 comment:

  1. Exactly what I needed to read. Thanks Erin! You make me smile and feel better. Always.
